
Cures For Snoring – The Facts

Cures for snoring will depend on what is causing it. Ask your partner to observe you when you are asleep and making noises. They are likely to be awake anyway so may be glad of something to do!

If you snore with your mouth closed, your tongue is likely to be the culprit, but if your mouth is open, your tissues at the back of your throat are probably to blame. If you snore only when sleeping on your back, you should be able to cure your problem by a change in sleeping position. Try sleeping on your side and see if it helps. However, if you snore regardless of what sleep position you are using, then you need professional help and advice. Do not waste your money on over the counter solutions.

Your dentist may be able to help by fitting a mouth guard similar to that worn by athletes. These devices can stop snoring by opening your airways. They do this by bringing your lower jaw or tongue forward during sleep. Most dentists will suggest devices that are to be worn inside the mouth but in cases of severe snoring, one that fits around your head and chin may be suggested. You need to be very willing to stop your snoring as these solutions are neither attractive nor comfortable. However, you will get used to them and you probably would do anything for a good night's sleep. If you can not do it for yourself, I am sure your partner will find ways to show their appreciation of your efforts.

Surgery is an option for some cases although you will probably have to fund it yourself. Most medical insurance plans will not cover surgery to prevent snoring. It also has to be said, that some surgeries only result in short term benefits with the snoring returning after a period of time. You will need to discuss the costs and potential discomfort versus the potential rewards with your doctor or surgeon. Removing your tonsils, adenoids and / or excess tissue at the back of the throat are the most common procedures.

Medical techniques are advancing all the time. One cure for snoring which appears promising is the Pillar procedure. Specially trained doctors will be able to do this under a local anesthetic. It involves implanting small plastic implants at the back of the throat. When scar tissue builds up around the implants, this stops the soft tissues from vibrating and so prevents snoring. It is early days and more research and testing will need to be carried out, but for now this procedure does hold out hope as one of the cures for snoring.

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