
Decorative Ways to Use Solar Powered Lights

Do you have curb lighting, driveway lighting, or patio lights at your home? If so, I'll bet they're solar.

Solar lights increase visibility and safety. They're highly cost effective and can make a significant difference in your energy bill. With no electrical wires, or plug-ins necessary, they can be placed anywhere in your landscaping that you desire. They're weatherproof and require little or no maintenance. You can have bright light or low light, depending on the number of LEDs used, and the fixture in which it is contained.

Today, you can find a huge selection of outdoor solar lighting on the market. From luminaries that look like Japanese paper lights to lady bugs, turtles, and a myriad of other designs, solar powered lights have become so popular it's hard to find a home without them.

Solar energy is increasingly becoming beautiful, reasonably-priced garden art. Rechargeable AA batteries (solar charged of course) are combined with LED lights in fixtures created by imaginative artists. This decorative garden art takes you from the romantic to the frivolous and accents your landscape without the requirement of a string of electrical lights and a plug-in, or a minimum-maximum spacing requirement.

You can be as creative as the artist in your placement of your decorative lights and create exactly the setting you want. You can change your look on a whim, or by elaborate design. Whatever theme you may want to capture for a particular outdoor event, you can move easily from dusk into darkness with exactly the lighting that will best accent and capture the mood.

From fireflies to Calla-Lillies, Finials, Fuchsia Finials, to the beautiful Soji Lanterns, Allsop Gardens has solar lighting artistic creations to please the most discriminating decorator.

Solar path lights, candle glass lights, solar spotlights, and solar tube lights can be found at the Solar Light Store, along with many other solar lighting options.

They're available in stepping stones also, making it easier to know where you're going, and to "light your way" as you traverse a dark section of your yard after dark. You will not need a flashlight to see where you're going, and the person behind you will not be left in the dark if you're the only one with the flashlight.

A solar lighted house number can ensure your home is easily found by emergency providers in case accident, fire, or medical emergency. A great gift for your mom on Mother's Day, or your dad on Father's Day, especially if they live alone, and may have that occasion when they need help, and can not get the yard light turned on. Being able to see an address easily has on more than one occasion saved a life.

Solar powered security lights are another great option. They're ideal for remote mountain cabins without electricity, as well as ensuring you'll always have a security light at home in the event of a power outage.

Decorative solar lighting is available to fit any style desired, as well as fit within whatever budgetary constraints you might have.

OK, yes, you can go hog wild over decorative solar lighting. You can have fireflies in every tree, a turtle on every rock, soft romantic lighting around your hot tub, and a light-strewn pathway that will ensure no visitor, guest, or family member will trip for lack of lighting.

And what about your water feature? Why not have some beautiful solar spotlights, rock-encased, that light up your waterfalls or whatever water feature you've created in your yard. Why just enjoy your water feature in the daylight, when solar lighting can allow you to enjoy it through the after-dark hours.

And, of course, best of all, decorative solar lighting requires no action on your part … at all. After capturing and storing light through the day, when night time falls, solar lights come on automatically. Then, as daylight returns, and the cycle reverses, they turn off automatically. And your utility meter does not move as a result … at all.

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