Hiding your smile because of the discomfort caused by your missing tooth? These days there are dental restoration processes that can make your smiles look flawless. Dental bridges are meant to correct dental issues such as tooth replacement. Virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth, they offer both aesthetic and functional benefits.
The type of dental bridges applied by dental clinics depends on the unique requirements of the patient. Before choosing which type is best for you, your dentist will check the issue that the restoration process needs to address. Your comfort and convenience as well is considered.
Dental bridges are distinguished from each other through these two factors:
- The dental issue they are meant to correct
- The technology or method of application
The different types of dental bridges
First is the traditional dental bridge. This dental restoration uses two crowns which are placed on top of your adjacent teeth. Your dentist needs to reshape nearby teeth to make sure that there is sufficient space to attach the crowns.
Next is the cantilever bridge. As opposed to the traditional type, this uses a single crown to support the entire restoration. Usually this is not advisable to use on your back teeth as your molars have the most pressure when you bite. This bridge can easily collapse and it would just be a waste of money if it gets damaged. This bridge is still present as option for patients who want to preserve the original structure of their tooth. However, it is no longer recommended by most dentists.
Third is the bonded bridge. Minimal alteration of your surrounding teeth is involved here. But there are two small wings that will be attached to your adjacent teeth. To apply this type, your dentist has to create a durable bond for the restoration and micro-etch the two supporting teeth. Usually this is used to replace a single missing tooth. But in some cases, it can support up to three teeth.
Fourth is the removable bridge. While most bridges are permanently applied, this type can be removed just like dentures. Some special patients prefer this to address their oral health issues.
The last type is the implant bridge. This type is the most common alternative these days. With an abutment piece, dental implants are permanent and more durable. Your dentist will screw a titanium piece directly into your jawbone and this implant will secure a fabricated new tooth. This dental restoration process is much longer and not everyone who desires to have it qualifies to undergo this type of dental bridges.