There are many different forms of water pollution, all of which are caused by people's carelessness. Agricultural run-off is a serious problem and one of the largest forms of water pollution. Large factory farms use huge amounts of herbicides and pesticides that all wash into the ground water when it rains, polluting the groundwater for thousands of miles around.
The herbicides and pesticides are deadly cancer-causing chemical compounds that can not be removed from the water by any method but proper filtering. The thousands of tons of manure from these farms also run into the water carrying herbicides and pesticides that the animals have ateen as well as the bacteria and microorganisms in the manure.
Industrial Waste is another major form of water pollution. Factories, large companies, manufacturers, mills and plants often dump their waste directly into the rivers, lakes, streams and oceans. Those who do not dump directly into the water, dump into the ground, causing more groundwater contamination. Recent studies have identified 2,100 of the 80,000 chemicals in North American drinking water to be carcinogenic chemicals.
Household Waste – You and I are water pollution culprits too. Every time someone pours a cleaner, detergent, soap, chemicals, medicines, paint, solvents or anything else that does not occur in nature down the drain, it becomes a form of water pollution.
Sewage – Many countries and states still dump raw sewage into the harbors and bays. Millions of tons of raw sewage are being dumped into the water every day. In some countries raw sewage runs in the gutters along the streets. This sewage obviously puts many different types of toxins into the water.
What Can We Do?
The best thing we can do to protect ourselves is to install a certified multi-layer water filtration system in our homes. All water that you come in contact with must be decontaminated- not just your drinking water.
The chemicals and metals in the water can see through the skin or be inhaled in the form of steam, as well as being ingested. Protect your family from all of these forms of water pollution with a proper water filter.