
Drain Clearing Tips And Tricks For Your Home's Plumbing

A homeowner or apartment dweller will likely have to learn about drain clearing at one time or another. Let's face it; clogs happen. Toilets, sinks and bathtubs all get stopped up from time to time. It would be well worth a homeowner's time to learn a few tips to unclog them. There are times that a plumber needs to be called in but sometimes a DIYer can handle the problem by himself or herself. One thing to remember is that if it does not unclog with a moderate amount of pressure, it would be better to call in the professionals in order to prevent further damage. Here are some things to think about:

– Tools to stock: Some basic plumbing tools to assist in drain clearing should be on hand in the tool chest of every homeowner or apartment dweller. Those basic tools are a plunger and an auger or snaking device. The plunger is the most basic and inexpensive yet can be quite effective. The plunging technique is so popular that the plunger has been referred to as a "plumber's friend." An auger can be manual or electric and is a metal cable with a crank. The "snake" is a version of the manual auger and is called by that name because it looks like its reptile namesake. The electric auger is a bit pricey for the average tool chest but renting one from the local rental store is a good option.

– Kitchen sink: If it's a double sink, it's important to put a rag or sponge into one drain opening in order to keep the suction pressure up. Filling the sink and plunging away should do the trick. If not, snaking it with an auger would be step two. If there is a garbage disposal, removing all food debris and pushing the red reset button may do the trick. Prime culprits for stopping up a garbage disposal are vegetable peelings such as those from potatoes, apples, carrots and more. It would be wise to peel potatoes and other veggies into the regular trashcan.

– Bathtub: Bathtubs usually begin to drain slowly over time due to a build-up of hair and soap scum. It's wise to remove the pop-up and clear this mess occasionally in order to prevent a full-fledged clog. If this does not work, it may be time to haul out the plunger and auger.

– Toilet: Toilets are the most common household fixture to become plugged up requiring drain clearing. Preventative steps will often eliminate this problem but when clog happens, the plunger and snake methods usually clear the trouble. Only putting appropriate items into the toilet in the first place will prevent lots of trouble. Only human waste and small amounts of toilet tissue should be flushed. Children must be taught how much bathroom tissue is "enough" and to not flush toys, pets and Mom's wristwatch. Adults must be taught not to flush Q-tips, paper towels, certain sanitary hygiene products and disposable diapers.

Stopped up plumbing is a common occurrence in any household. A wise owner or dweller will stock some basic tools and become knowledgeable about drain clearing. If the problem persists after trying these steps, a professional should be called in to take care of the clog.

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