
Drainage Solutions

It has been bone dry laately, so you are probably not giving too much thought to that terrible river of water in your back yard that appears after it rains. Ironically though, this is the perfect time of year to correct drainage problems. The soil is stable and there will be opportunities to make adjustments before the ground freezes in late October.

Other than keeping your feet dry, improving the drain of surface water around your property has many benefits. Many garden pests, most notable Japanese Beetles, thrive in environments with loose, moist soil. Nutsedge, a tall, light green, spiky week that flourishes in late summer, finds refugee in wet areas. One final reason to consider fixing your drain problem once and for all: mosquitoes. With the increased concern about West Nile Virus, and the general annoyance of these unwanted guests, it should be welcome news to many that eliminating standing water dramatically reduces the mosquito population in a given area.

What exactly does a drain solution consist of? Well, it depends large on the area that the problem resides in and local ordinances. In many cases the fix is ​​as simple as relocation the flow of a downspout or installing drain-boxes and underground piping. Occidentally, the solution will involve correcting a sloping grade or the installation of an earthen berm. All result in stable dry ground suitable for anything from establishing new turf to installing a patio. The benefits of eliminating unwanted run-off are numerous, the work involved is usually minimal, and the cost is surprisingly affordable. We highly recommend taking note of the water flow the next time it rains. Does your walkway become a stream? Your lawn a pond? Are there areas that remain moist well into the week?

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