
Dry Eraser Markers

Are you tired of using chalk and the dust that makes your clothes dirty? Then you should try dry eraser markers for they will solve your problems. These markers smell nice, they come in many colors, are light in weight and create crisp and bright writing. Also, their marks are easy to erase in white board than chalk board. The markers are used in a dry erase board and mostly the one with a white background to enhance clear visibility.

White board makes it possible to erase with soft dry material and can be cleaned easily without water. The dry erase board come in all sizes and are used in presentations, conferences and classrooms. They are used by professionals, advertisers and executives. In restaurants, they use the white board to list their special dishes of the day and in kitchen they hung it to write messages, grocery lists and reminders.

You should use special markers on white boards because ordinary markers contain wrong ink and will leave permanent marks that cannot be erased. However, in case you use the wrong ink you can fill with the right erasable ink and wipe with acetone or alcohol. If you are sensitive and allergic to odor, use reduced-odor markers. You can access board cleaning sprays from white board manufacturers.

The markers use petroleum and they dry out faster especially during winter when air is dry. The white board ink markings are less vulnerable to external factors. Markers do not produce dust and you can use different colors to highlight important topics in a presentation. Try this markers, they are neat and you wont regret it.

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