A Look Ahead To The Higher Levels Of Astrophotography
If you are hooked, you are going to want to shoot deep-sky objects like galaxies and nebulae and use more advanced techniques. With a telescope, and a camera with a lens (not your basic digital camera) you will be able to shoot the Moon, including close-ups of the craters!
This will require learning about attaching your camera to a telescope that has a motorized mounting that tracks the stars. Your camera will ride “piggyback” on top of the scope. If you have a DSLR camera, you will remove the camera lens hook it up directly to your telescope. The telescope becomes the camera lens.
There are a few pieces of equipment you will need in order to progress at this level
- You will need a telescope on an equatorial mount to track the stars so you can use the long exposures required for these faint objects.
- You can also use a computerized altazimuth mount to shoot brighter deep-sky objects.
- You really need something like a German-equatorial
mounting with motor drives on both axes to do any kind of serious long-exposure deep-sky astrophotography.
If your telescope only has an altazimuth
Advanced astrophotography levels will show you how to shoot Raw file-format images and separate dark, flat-field and bias support frames. These are used to calibrate and improve light images.