
Dusting Off the Old Crockery Cooker

When I think of crockery cooking, I always see in my mind's eye my mother's old avocado-green crock sitting on her turquoise-and-white kitchen counter. What a thing of beauty it was … NOT!

But today's crockery cookers are sleek, modern appliances you do not have to hide away in the dark recesses of the pantry or garage anymore.

If you like the experience of walking in the door and smelling dinner cooking without you slaving away in the kitchen preparing the meal, you'll love the convenience of a crockery cooker. Take a few minutes in the morning before work or school to throw some ingredients into the pot, set it, and forget it. When you come home at dinnertime, you'll be greeted by the heavenly aroma of an easy dinner. What could be better than that?

At the end of the day – when I'm tired and ready to put my feet up – the last thing I want to do is dive into a bunch of meal preparation work. But in the morning I'm refreshed and able to put more energy into food prep. But even then, it's not much food prep. Maybe a bit of chopping and browning, but no more than ten or fifteen minutes worth of work, at the most.


Some of the benefits you'll find from dusting off that lovely retro-crock in the back of Grandma's attic are:


You'll want to keep following the tips in mind when choosing and using your crockery cooker:


The crock itself should be safe to use providing you do not have an old one with frayed cords or some other defect. The following tips on safe user ideas can help keep your family healthy and the cook from being burned:

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