
Early Intervention For Hammer Toe Deformity Is Key!

Foot pain is a common problem among Americans. One common cause of foot pain is a hammer toe deformity. Hammer toe deformity most frequently affects the second, third or fourth toes and they have an abnormal appearance where the toe remains bent at the middle joint. Patients with this problem can experience pain and may develop corns or calluses. Treatment for hammer toes varies depending on the severity of symptoms. If you have this foot problem it can often simply be watched or patients may be asked to use orthotic shoe inserts or special orthopedic shoes. Sometimes hammer toes may need surgical treatment.

What causes hammer toe?

This deformity is typically caused by ill-fitting shoes or poor muscle coordination. When shoes are to blame, it is typically the fault of shoes that have a narrow toe area or high heels. Sometimes other foot conditions such as flat feet and bunions can contribute to the hammer toe deformity.

What are the symptoms of hammer toes?

The toe will appear abnormal. It will look like the toe cannot fully straighten. The toe may become painful or have open sores, callus or corns due to rubbing against the shoe.

What to do I do about it?

1. It is important to see a specialist as soon as you notice any foot deformity because early intervention may save you from having surgery.

2. Be sure to get rid of shoes that do not fit properly. Avoid shoes with narrow toe areas and high heels.

3. Ask your doctor to show you exercises to strengthen your foot muscles. These exercises may help correct the deformity!

4. Invest in special padding or cushions for your shoes to reduce pressure over the foot. Your doctor may recommend that you use special shoe inserts or buy orthopedic shoes.

5. If your feet hurt, ask your doctor if you can take over the counter anti-inflammatory medications to ease the pain. Also try elevating and icing your foot to help with pain and swelling.

If you have chronic health conditions, be sure to take your medications and take good care of yourself. Your foot requires good circulation to heal so keep chronic health conditions under control, exercise and don’t smoke to keep your whole body healthy and to promote healing!

It is important to seek help immediately because if nothing is done the ligaments of the foot can become stiff and will require surgical repair. If you notice foot pain or abnormal looking toes, see your doctor right away!

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