Easy Elevator Speech – 5 Things it Must Tell People – Include These and Generate More Referrals Fast

Here are 5 keys to building a killer elevator speech:

1. Tell people what you do. They really don’t care what your name is, or the name of the company you work for. They want to know WIIFM (What’s in it for me). So tell’em.  Example:  I sell houses, I paint houses, I prepare taxes, I help people live longer, etc. Make it very clear what it is you do.

2. Tell people how you are different from your competition.  Clearly state your USP (unique selling proposition).  You must be able to show them that you are not the same as all the rest.  Think about it.  Get creative.

3.  Why should they choose YOU?  If someone is going to purchase your product or service, why should they choose YOU hands down over your competitors?  There must be some value stated in your elevator speech that convinces people YOU are the one.  This could be a bold, no risk 100% Money Back Guarantee. 

4.  Tell them what a good referral is for you.  Let them know EXACTLY what you are looking for in a new customer.  Make it very clear.

5.  Practice, Practice, Practice.  Then practice some more. You should be able to convincingly deliver your elevator speech at 2:00am if someone flipped on the bedroom light and asked you about your business. It needs to be automatic. It must be convincing, dynamic, and believable. The only way you can accomplish this is to PRACTICE!

Bottom line:  If you don’t have a great, repeatable elevator speech that convinces people beyond a shadow of a doubt that they should choose YOU to do business with, you are never going to reap the potential rewards of networking in your community. Get instant  Tips, Secrets and Strategies by visiting my FREE Information Site at http://www.TheNetworkingNinja.com.