Engineering Job Outlook For 2014 And Beyond – The Future Is Looking Bright For Engineers

The Engineering Marketplace is a multidisciplinary profession with a vast amount of specialties and projects that can range from the simple process of designing a residential home to the more complex seismic, mechanical, environmental, energy and/or design engineering.

As all engineers have their area of expertise whether it be a specific type of project or an engineering specialization all focus their attention in doing an exceptional job; but no matter where they work or what their specialty is, most engineers are all concerned with the marketplace job outlook for their profession into the next few years.

As the market has started to rebuild and the country has moved out of the recession companies are starting to slowly rebuild their workforces, build back up their staff and make strategic hiring decisions based on positioning their company for the future growth they expect.

Employers are being very selective though, they are looking for engineers that think like business people, engineers that have a strong engineering background, understanding of client relationships and how to manage multiple projects and stakeholders at one time. The most highly sought after disciplines are in electrical, process, mechanical, computer, civil and environmental engineering. Individuals with physics or advanced degrees are in the greatest demand. Chemical and manufacturing engineers are in the least demand, unless an individual has a very focused specialized skill set that an employer is seeking.

There are a ton of engineers currently looking for work, whether be new graduate, a middle career technical engineer or a senior level executive; all will find in 2014 and beyond very robust amount of hiring activity.

Whether in private industry or governmental agencies the job marketplace shows great signs of future growth. 95% of engineering graduates are finding work within 6 months or graduating college, and career level engineers are starting to see renewed interest by employers as the marketplace rebounds. This rebound seems to be due to the large quantity of jobs growing out of the need improve the country deteriorating infrastructure and to adapt to the needs to address global warming.

As Climate becomes more and more a reality; civil and environmental firms foresee the government taking a more active role in protecting the environment, as well as, addressing the major infrastructure demands our country is facing in maintaining the roads, highways, and structures around the nation. This basic trend has led to the creation of many renewable energy, civil, environmental and mechanical engineering jobs around the country. Propelling the industry forward and spurring growth in the economy at the same time.

So for engineers the past may have been rocky, but the future is looking brighter than ever. 2014 and beyond are showing signs of an extremely robust hiring market.