
Enjoy and Take Care of Your Rattan Furniture the Right Way

Your rattan furniture can be the pride of your home or conservatory if you know how to use and care for it well. Cane furniture of this kind is not high maintenance but it does need some amount of looking after. If treated the right way you could have good looking furniture even when it is old.

Check on the usage when you buy it

The best way to get long life out of your rattan furniture is to check on its usage before you place it in your home. Although most furniture of this kind is suitable for both outdoor and indoor use there could be certain types that might not be suitable to use in your garden. Checking on this will ensure that your furniture has longer life.

Choose the right colours, cushions and sizes

Another important tip that you need to remember about rattan furniture is that you need to choose something that you will not tire of easily. For example pick cushion designs that you know will last. If you have a conservatory that is small and compact choose furniture that is appropriate for it like smaller pieces and light designs. You might also want to keep the colours to a neutral.

Keep a check on fading

Fading is the single most reason that most rattan furniture in a conservatory starts looking old. The main culprit here is the cushions. Therefore in order to keep the fading of your cushions to a minimum you need to make sure that you keep the heat in the area to a minimum. Use things like a sunblind for example to keep out that extra sun. You might also want to choose cushions with lighter colours as they are more resistant to fading.

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