
Ethmoid Sinus Diseases – Prevention and Treatment

Sinus infections occur when nasal passages, along with the sinuses, become inflamed due to bacteria or viruses. Ethmoid sinus disease occur when the frontal sinuses are inflamed, causing headache and pressure on both your eyes and nose, which are the most common signs of ethmoid sinus infections.

The ethmoid sinuses are located in the skull, right above the nose and between the sockets of the eyes. These sinuses are small and contain 7 to 10 bubbles which are connected and lined with mucus membranes. These bubbles have passage ways for the ethmoid sinuses that drains the nasal cavity. When bacteria infest the lining of the ethmoid sinuses, it becomes inflamed and eventually blocks the ostia, causing the mucus not to drain from the ethmoid sinuses. Due to this, there will be a mucus build up and this will eventually cause infection which is known as ethmoid sinus disease, ethmoid sinusitis or ethmoiditis.

Ethmoid sinus diseases are known to be acute and the symptoms may usually last no longer than 8 weeks if you are getting an infection once a year. If you are experiencing such condition more often, then the symptoms may last even up to 10 days and these symptoms often include post nasal drip, nasal congestion and discharge, pain in the inner corner of the eyes and on one particular side of the nose. Ethmoid sinus disease symptoms may also be accompanied with headache in the temples and the pain and pressure might be worse when you are lying down and may lessen if your head is positioned upright.

For an ethmoid sinus disease, a decongestant may already be helpful in clearing the airways. These decongestants can be an Afrin, Neo-Synephrine, Forte or Naphcon. These are often used to clear the airways, but for ethmoid sinus diseases which are due to bacteria, antibiotics may also be recommended. Synthetic penicillin such as Polymox, Amoxil and Trimox works best against various microorganisms, but for those who have penicillin allergies, trimethoprim or sulfamethoxazole can be taken instead.

To be protected against ethmoid sinus diseases, make sure to avoid people suffering from common colds and maintain proper hygiene. An annual influenza vaccine can also be helpful in reducing the risk of acquiring infections throughout the year. Including antioxidants in your diet can help you strengthen your immune system as well and do not forget to get proper amount of sleep so that your body can recover from a day’s hard work. Drinking lots of water can also help you lessen nasal secretions and thin the mucus.

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