
Finishing a Basement – Ceiling Tips and Tricks

Basement ceilings can be challenging from a design standpoint. They are usually low, and they are usually filled with all of the pipes, wires and ductwork that support life in the rest of the house. So when you are remodeling your basement, it can certainly be a challenge as you decide what to do with the mess on the ceiling. Fortunately there are options available that help to make you ceiling space more attractive while still letting you have access to mechanical fixtures.

Suspended Ceilings
One ceiling option for your basement is a suspended ceiling, which is also frequently called a dropped ceiling. The installation is simple, and it is not at all labor intensive. You do not need to be able to lift huge sheets of heavy drywall, and constructing the suspended ceiling is pretty straightforward. One of the huge advantages of the dropped ceiling is that you can easily remove ceiling tiles when you need to repair plumbing or electrical problems. It also creates an attractive, finished ceiling for your basement space. All of the ceiling mess is hidden behind the ceiling tiles so the ceiling is smooth and sleek, however a dropped ceiling is not just a clever name. It actually drops the ceiling height, and in an area where you already have low ceilings, this can be problematic. The other drawback to the suspended ceiling is that of all of the finishing techniques that you may choose to use on your basement ceiling, the suspended ceiling is generally the most expensive.

The Drywall Option
Drywall ceilings are a little more unwieldy to install, but they do not cost as much as suspended ceilings either. However, you still may have to get to the plumbing and electrical hidden in the ceiling, so make sure that you use screws to install the drywall just in case you need to remove a section for repairs in the future. If you want to make the drywall sections more manageable as you are installing your ceiling, you will probably want to use quarter inch drywall for your ceiling. The drywall sheet is lighter making overhead installation just a little easier. A drywall ceiling is an excellent option for a basement ceiling as long as you remember to install any section that may have to be removed with screws.

Painting Tips
Probably the simplest option for finishing your basement ceiling is to simply paint it. If you do not have too much exposed wiring in your basement, you may decide to simply paint your ceiling one color. By using a single color to paint the space, you will minimize the look of all of the pipes and ductwork that is there. While it may not be quite as pretty as a suspended ceiling or drywall ceiling, it may be perfectly adequate for your needs. The easiest way to paint a basement ceiling along with all of the pipes and ductwork is to use a sprayer. You will get complete and even coverage with your paint, just take care to leave yourself adequate ventilation. One of the biggest advantages of painting a basement ceiling is that you still have complete access to pipes, wires and ductwork for repair.

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