
Fireplace Rugs Provide Protection to Your Floor

Winter is fast approaching and before you know it, the days will be getting shorter and one of our favourite pass times is sitting by a nice warm fire. Fireplace  rugs  are not only decorative accessories to add to your room they also provide protection to your floor or carpet from spark or glowing embers that can find their way out of the fireplace. All it takes is one little ember to cause a significant amount of damage to your floors. These  rugs  offer protection especially if you have just renovated and have new flooring. A little investment made in these  rugs  will save you lots of money down the road from any damage that may occur from your fireplace.

Fireplace  rugs  come in all shapes, sizes, colours and patterns so you will not have trouble finding right look to match to the décor in your home. Depending on the quality, you can find a nice  rug  for your fireplace costing anywhere from $30 to $200. You should however take into consideration the thousands of dollars that you will be saving in floor repair when thinking about quality and price. Therefore, a higher quality  rug  is well worth the investment. These  rugs  are usually made from 100% wool as this natural material offers the best in durability and style. Some are also manufactured of man made materials; the choice is yours depending on what your needs are. If you have a large area to cover and cannot find the appropriate size needed, not to worry many fireplace stores or accessory businesses can make customized  rugs  to suit your specific purpose.

These  rugs  are specifically designed to be fire resistant and are placed on the floor in front of your fireplace or woodstove. Fireplace  rugs  not only provide safety and protection from flying embers and sparks they also add charm to any room. A regular throw  rug  is not suitable and should not be used; you should always look for a  rug  that is specifically designed to be used in front of a fireplace. As always it is wise to be mindful that a burning fire should always be monitored and not left alone.

Fireplace  rugs  can be purchased at local fireplace or home improvement stores. You can also check online to see what is available and to find more information about these  rugs . Consider the value of this small investment to your home in not only what they offer visually but also the safety provided by the use of these  rugs . At the risk of repeating, please be mindful that a burning fire should always be attended to.

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