
Foot Surgery – How to Survive With Both Your Spirits And Your Sanity Intact

It was a difficult decision, but you’ve decided to no longer put up with the pain, irritation, and deformity of a bunion or hammer toe. In my case, it was a severe bunion, with my big toe drifting aggressively towards my other toes, which informed my decision towards major foot surgery. My husband had undergone bunion surgery more than ten years earlier, and this trying experience, both for him as patient and myself as caregiver, had cautioned us both to plan ahead.

The devil is, indeed, in the details. Knowing that you’ll be off of your feet for at least three weeks, and walking with limited mobility in a surgical shoe or boot for as long as eight weeks, takes strategic planning. It’s easy to remember to gather books, DVDs, and magazines in advance of your surgery, but there’s much more that can be done to make your confinement a stress-free experience.

The final, and most important question, is how to keep your spirits up during a long recovery. Make a list of projects that can be done while you’re home and on the couch – photos that you’ve meant to organize, books and movies that you’ve planned to catch up on, the computer game that you’ve never had time to learn. Gather your project supplies in advance of your surgery. Think of this time of healing not as a forced confinement, but as a period of rest and relaxation. Advanced planning will not only be easier on you, but on your caregiver as well.

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