Formula for Change:
Step One:
Assessment of the situation – what is true now & what are the desired goals or results
Here is the start. What is it that you want to be different? You need to discover and be very specific about what is the current situation and how do you want it to be different. To do this, use your Coach’s assessment and gather input from all interested and involved parties.
Step Two:
Learning – techniques, tools, etc.
Discover what you need to learn and how to learn it. To do this you need to talk with people. A mentor relationship may be the key to new ideas. Coaching may provide the push. Peers may have advise, opinions, or ideas that you need. Classes, books, or articles may help.
Step Three:
Practice – take action & pay attention
This is a key. You need to take action to have change come about. It does not happen by itself. Use the familiar settings to practice. Or look for new settings to try out your change.
Step Four:
Feedback – score results against goals
Always utilize your own self-analysis – check in with your self right after your practice to see if you obtained the desired results. Independent observers can also be helpful. Pick someone you trust and whose opinion you value and ask them to observe you. Then afterward ask for their feedback. Also important is to utilize your Coach’s observations and feedback.
Now based upon results you obtain and feedback, go back to either more Learning and/or more Practice. Do not be hard on yourself and keep this cycle up until you obtain your goal.