Get Ripped Abs With Plank Workouts

 Plank  workouts are easy to perform yet it can effectively train certain parts of abdominal muscles. You don’t need any sophisticated abs equipment, not even resistance bands of any sorts. Let’s take a good look at the  plank  workouts and start doing them now.

Firstly, the Front  Planks  trains all of your stomach muscles and your back. Make sure that you keep your back straight and neck relaxed.

  1. Start from your hands and knees and then slowly drop to your forearms and the balls of your feet. Keep your elbows in line with your shoulders. And some people like to clasp their hands together making a triangle, rather than fingertips facing forward.
  2. Contract your stomach and back muscles but keep the rest of your body relaxed.

Your back and neck will have a tendency to sag. Hold for three seconds. If you have a break in your form, stop the exercise immediately. Add two sets per week until you can perform ten sets of three-second repetitions consecutively. At first, rest as long as you need to between sets. As you get stronger and develop more endurance, decrease the rest time between sets. Make certain that you are breathing normally during each repetition. If this exercise is a little too hard, do it from your knees instead of your feet.

Secondly, you can perform Side  Planks  to train the sides of your stomach and lower back muscles simultaneously.

  1. Lie on your side bracing your body with your forearms and the outside edge of shoe.
  2. Lift your hip off of your floor and hold your body straight.
  3. Switch sides and repeat

Be sure to keep your body straight and hold for three seconds. If this exercise is too hard from your feet, try it from outside your calf. If that is still too hard, do it from the side of your hip. Add two sets per week until you can perform ten sets of three-second reps consecutively. At first, you can rest as long as you need to between sets. As you get stronger, you should decrease the rest time between sets. You may decide to alternate the right and left side  planks  if you want to speed things up. To further challenge yourself, you can perform all of your  planks  on one side and then all of your  planks  on the other side.

Lastly you should pay more attention to the form on every exercise as you could injure yourself if you rush through the exercises and overlook the importance of perfect posture.