
Get Ripped Like A Movie Star: How To Build Sexy Lean Muscles Without Getting Too Bulky

You know the guys in the movies that have the really hot ripped look? You want to look like that.

But if you go work out in the gym and follow “standard” directions, you’ll end up looking more like some of the guys in the gym instead – big and bulky. Not the look you’re after. So how can you get sexy lean muscles look ripped?

What exactly is Hollywood movie star ripped, and why do the guys in the gym don’t look anything like it?

The movie star look is a lean but finely muscled body, with great definition and perfect proportion all over, but without the kind of bulk that body builders are going for.

You’ve been admiring those pecs and abs on the screen for a while now, and you may have been wondering why none of the guys in the gym look anything like it. They’re working out all the time. And if you go there, they’ll happily fill you in on the routine.

But you’re wondering… If I follow their directions, could I end up looking like the guys in the gym? You can bet on it.

What’s wrong with the look of the guys in the gym?

So what’s wrong with their look? They’re bulky and unbalanced. Many of them have a big behind and balloon legs. That’s definitely not the effect you’re after.

What’s worse – that chiseled chest you want? They don’t have it. Most of them have droopy chests. In fact, a lot of them have a surprising amount of flab, considering all the work they do to get what they consider ripped.

How come? They are so focused on gaining muscle that they don’t care where the extra muscle mass ends up. So they add their muscle in all the wrong places, and the effect is that they end up looking unattractive – both in the gym and also once they wear clothes.

Yes, there’s such a thing as too much muscle, especially if those muscles are in the wrong place. A much better look is slim yet chiseled.

What about women? They much prefer that chiseled look too. In fact, they’re mostly quite repulsed by the overdone bulky gym look.

How can you get the look you really want?

To get the look you want, you will need to work out with weights, and you’ll need a gym, but be sure to stay away from the personal trainers, or you’ll get the typical “gym look.”

Instead, find a resource that will guide you through a special sequence of muscle building exercises that result in muscles that are strong and dense, with the right size. You need to balance building strength with building bulk, and do it in the right sequence and to the right degree.

You also want your skin to look like it is practically shrink-wrapped around your lean well-defined muscles. It takes some careful coordination of your efforts to get that look right.

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