
Government Insulation Grants – How To Apply

An idiot’s guide to applying for Government insulation grants in the UK.

Government grants for free loft insulation and cavity wall insulation are again available in England, Scotland and Wales as many homes in the UK still fall short of the required levels of loft and wall insulation.

A new Government home energy grant scheme which provides financial help to install energy saving measures including roof / loft insulation and cavity wall insulation is being funded by the major energy companies (British Gas, NPower, Eon, SSE, EDF & Scottish Power).

The Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) has been designed to save energy and help to meet the rising cost of domestic gas and electric bills.

Roof & Loft Grants

Around 25% of the heat generated by your heating escapes through your attic and out through your roof. Loft insulation is a man-made fiber which is placed between and over the joists in your loft or attic.

This prevents heat escaping from your home, which stays warm for longer. This means a reduction indomestic energy bills as it costs less to heat your home as your central heating or fire can be on for less time or set at a lower level.

Benefits of insulating your home

Insulating your roof and walls in can save around £500 per year on domestic heating bills. (These are estimated figures based on insulating a gas-heated, detached home with three bedrooms.) Energy Savings Trust.

Loft Insulation Grants

Why Install Loft Insulation?

With no loft insulation 25% of your home’s heat is lost through the roof, and around 35% escapes through the outer walls. This means that a huge percentage of your heating costs are unnecessary.

Loft insulation stops heat escaping

This means you spend less heating your home. By taking simple yet effective steps such as installing Cavity Wall Insulation and Loft Insulation you can save £100′s each year on unnecessarily high fuel bills. You will also be helping the environment by reducing carbon emissions.

Loft Insulation FAQ’s

In most cases installers take less than two hours to complete the installation, depending on the amount of loft insulation needed. The current recommended level for most roofs and buildings is 270mm (11 Inches).

Applying for a Government insulation grant?

The process for claiming free home energy grant is quite simple. Leave a few details about your home and heating etc. This will only take a few minutes. You will then be contacted by a Home Energy Grant Assessor who will arrange a time to visit you and discuss the grants which are available to you

Loft or cavity wall Survey

If you qualify for free Government insulation the verified Energy Grant Assessor will contact you, usually within 24 hours, to arrange a quick visit to your home. He /She will check a few things like the depth of any existing loft insulation if you have any.

Should you require cavity wall insulation he will check inside your walls to see if your walls are already insulated.

The next stage is to fill in a few details on a Government grant application form. The Surveyor will advise you on this. It is a straightforward form and you are only asked to provide a few details including some information about your home and your energy supplier etc.

You should have any verification documents ready. You will be told what you need during the initial telephone conversation when the home insulation survey is arranged.

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