
Great Thanksgiving Decorations for Your Home

Thanksgiving is a special time of year in the United States. What more could you ask for than family, food and football? It’s a time to be thankful for all you have and all of the special relationships in your life. It’s a time to reflect on your past, your present and your future. Thanksgiving decorations can add elegance and ambience to your home that makes it warm and inviting. If you are hosting dinner this year, give your guests the sophisticated welcome that they deserve.

There are a myriad of Thanksgiving decorations you can use both inside and outside of your home. Since Thanksgiving occurs in the fall, many decorations are centered around pumpkins, corn husks and fall foliage. Scents such as apples and cinnamon are also quite popular.

You can decorate every room of your home with Thanksgiving and fall related items, giving your home a warm, inviting feel.


Fill your kitchen with the scents of fall, and keep an apple or cinnamon candle burning. The scent will waft through the house and remind everyone of the pies that grandma used to make!

Dining Room

A beautiful horn of plenty of fall floral centerpiece will add sophistication and elegance to your family meal. You can also decorate your table with leaf-shaped plates and fresh fall flowers. Leave room for the turkey, though!

Living Room

If you have a fireplace, try decorating it with fall colors and strings of leaves or soft indoor lights. Vases filled with sunflowers will brighten any living room nicely.


For a two-story home, decorate your banister with garland of artificial leaves. Some come with miniature indoor lights to create a stunning effect. Guests will be immediately greeted with beautiful foliage and color as soon as they walk in the door.

Front Porch

What says autumn and Thanksgiving better than pumpkins, gourds and corn husks? Place these strategically on your porch or walkway and add some fall flowers such as mums. Mums come in a beautiful array of colors and your guests will feel welcome before they even step inside.

Of course, the biggest part of a Thanksgiving tradition is to be thankful! As your guests sit down to dinner, give them each a decorated piece of paper and a pen. Have them write down one thing that they are thankful for. It’s up to you whether you want them to read it out loud or not. The exercise is meant as an inner reflection of all that we have and all that we should be thankful for. It’s easy to forget how lucky we are, when we’re so busy eating turkey and pumpkin pie. It’s a great habit to get up every single day and write down at least one thing to be thankful for!

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