
Green Ways to Clean Hardwood Floors

It’s always a good idea to have your hardwood floors professionally cleaned every year. And in between these cleanings, be sure to give it some TLC on your own as well.

Remember, dirt can scratch floors, make your pets sneeze, and even cause someone to skid and fall. Take care that the products you use won’t hurt anyone or anything.

Green Cleaning for Hardwood Floors!

You don’t have to buy expensive, strong-smelling products to keep that floor spotless and looking good as new. Green-friendly cleaning products abound, and some are already in your house.

The Vinegar Debate in Green Cleaning

Vinegar has become the Green Cleaner of the Decade. Various sites endorse it for lime descaling in appliances, general housecleaning, steam cleaning microwave ovens, and stain removal on carpets, clothing, and shoes.

What about hardwood floors?

Green sites tend to agree vinegar is safe on wood but some professional cleaning sites warn against it, saying it’s too harsh on finishes and can void warranties. This may stem from a universal warning against letting water puddle on hardwood floors during cleaning. The two don’t mix well for long periods of time; any spills on a hardwood floor should be cleaned up immediately to avoid discoloration and warping.

Likewise, be sure to damp mop and not slosh. So adding a little vinegar to the mix won’t do harm to a floor in good shape. If there are objections to the vinegar smell, it dissipates quickly. Dust mopping is also recommended.

Options to Mopping

Mopping isn’t fun and many people look to steam cleaners, which clean with super-heated water and no chemicals, to do the job. But is this safe on hardwood floors?

The general answer is: no. There are too many variables: steam harms finishes, leaves streaks, warps untreated wood floors, and can deliver too much steam at once, which can let moisture seep in between the floorboards.

One deep-cleaning system, Bona, gets generally positive reviews but it is not Green Certified. The product also doesn’t name all ingredients, earning it two Fs from the Environmental Working Group.

Your best bet? Ask people to take off their shoes when they enter your home. Put nonslip rugs on high-traffic areas, and sweep and damp-mop regularly with your favorite green wood floor product.

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