Tools are such a common part of our lives that it is difficult to remember that they may pose hazards. All tools are manufactured with safety in mind but, tragically, a serious accident often occurs before steps are taken to search out and avoid or eliminate tool-related hazards.
In the process of removing or avoiding the hazards, we must learn to recognize the hazards associated with the different types of tools and the safety precautions necessary to prevent those hazards. Of all the equipment placed at our disposal, the common HAND TOOLS, which we take for granted, are the most useful and the most often abused.
Hand tools are non-powered. They include anything from axes to wrenches. The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from misuse and improper maintenance.Almost all of us use hand tools either at work or at home. It's estimated that about 8% of industrial accidents involve the unsafe use of hand tools. These accidents result from using the wrong tool for the job.Know the purpose of each tool and use them for the specific task for which they were designed
Some tips on Safety of the Hand Tool
1. Choose the right tool for the job. Never use a makeshift.
2. Use only tools in good condition – no tools with cracked or broken handles, none without handles, none with mushroomed or broken heads.
3. Keep keen-edged blades sharp; store them safely when not in use.
4. Do not use a hammer with a hardened face on a highly tempered tool such as a drill, file, or die or jig. Chips may fly.
5. Use wrenches of the right size for the job. Face the jaws on an adjustable wrench in the direction of the pull.
6. Never apply a wrench to moving machinery; stop the machine, then remove all tools before starting it again.
7. See that pipe wrench jaws are sharp and chains in good condition so they will not slip.
8. Never use any tool in such a way that you will be injured by it if it slips. Pre-analyze your movements and position your body accordingly.
9. The construction industry calls for the use of many types of hand tools. Handle them with care; treat them carefully and use them exactly for the purpose for which they were made.