Handwriting Analysis – Some Elaboration is Healthy & Perfect Penmanship Isn’t

Elaborate handwriting, including lots of

embellishment such as unnecessary loops,

curves, spirals, underlining, circles, wavy lines,

and other forms is an important, and telling,

handwriting analysis consideration.

Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is so

informative because it reveals subconscious

character, the real personality, not just the

persona and the one seen when a person is

at his or her best.

The U.S. Library of Congress classifies

graphology as a branch of psychology.

All in all, there are over 300 handwriting traits

to consider when doing an analysis. Some of the

more obvious ones include the following:

connectives; connectivity; consistency;

contradictions in script; compression;

contraction/expansiveness; down-strokes;

elaboration; expansion; finals; fluidity; form;

harmony; hooks; jabs; knots; lead-ins; legibility;

loops; margins; movement; organization;

originality; pressure; retracing; rhythm; shading;

signature compared to the rest of script;

simplicity; size; slant; overall arrangement

and picture of space; letter, word and line

spacing; speed; spirals; tension; ties;

zonal balance and much more.

Does any single consideration, such as the

excessive elaboration, override the cumulative

strength of the collective body of other

considerations? No.

The collective body of traits in a handwriting

sample either supports or mitigates the energy of

any one individual aspect.

Also, in order for a specific graphology trait to

accurately reflect personality, it must be

throughout the handwriting sample at least

three to four times to qualify.

Accuracy in graphology demands that the context

of the entire writing sample be considered and that

all individual aspects and parts of the script must

be interpreted independently and then built into a

complete picture describing the personality.

Also, you need at least a half page of cursive

handwriting and not just a signature if you want

to start on the right track.

For the highest level of accuracy in handwriting

analysis, formal graphology training is recommended.

However, we created our Graphology Resource Keys

for anyone to gain a very good understanding of their

own or other’s subconscious character simply by

comparing a handwriting sample to the Keys.

More information about handwriting analysis can

be found on our site.

Copybook form, or “perfect handwriting,” varies

somewhat from country to country and it’s best

to be familiar with the standard copybook form of

the country in which the person learned to write.

It’s good if your handwriting is not perfect, because

you don’t want perfect handwriting. It’s natural to

gradually move away from the basic copybook

form you learned in grade school to develop your

own unique style.

Just as everyone has a unique personality, everyone

has unique handwriting. Aristotle remarked,

“Spoken words are the symbols of mental experience

and written words are the symbols of spoken words.

Just as all men do not have the same speech sounds, so

do all men not have the same writing.”

Adults who write in copybook form (considering

there is corroborating energy from the rest of the

handwriting considerations) strive to follow all rules

exactly and abide by all laws. They are usually

conformists, traditional, and inhibited. They

commonly carry guilt and repression is customary.

Hence, “perfect” handwriting is far from perfect.

If your handwriting has a lot of originality with high

form level (good balance, movement, harmony, etc.)

and other positive traits, it could indicate flexibility,

resourcefulness, confidence, inward motivation, and

possible leadership skills.

On the other hand, if you see originality in an

off-balanced, inharmonious script (low form level),

you could find rebelliousness, defiance, turmoil,

confusion, dishonesty, and even psychosis

or criminal-minded behavior.

Spirals are generally a negative sign relating,

in part, to deception or self-deception.

Normal elaboration includes longer than usual

t-bars and finals at the end of words, for example.

Excessive elaboration, such as artificial flourishes,

many added strokes, long lower zone length (loops

of letters such as lower case g and j), etc. could

indicate an ostentatious personality with a need to

impress others, a need for drama, flirtatiousness,

vanity, exaggeration, bluff, a mind too rooted in

fantasy, insincerity, a need to be told they are

loved, façade of intrigue to mask an inferiority

complex, possible deception, scattered energy,

affectation, defense for self-consciousness,

unstable self image, too much focus on

trivial matters, and difficulty concentrating.

As the level of inharmoniousness increases with

excessive elaboration, the negative traits listed

above will also intensify.

If you see excessive elaboration mainly in the

upper zone (e.g., where the t’s are crossed), which

is the zone of the intellect, you may find someone

whose thinking is ruled by illusion, and even

someone who is a compulsive liar.

But remember, although it’s alluded to above, it’s

important enough to say again: no single graphology

indicator, by itself, absolutely describes any one

personality trait.

Yes, straight-across, blunt ending strokes can

indicate cautiousness, but there could be ten or

more other indicators in a person’s script that

would mitigate the notion.

If you find elaboration that is excessively

complicated, especially with many complicated

circle letters, such as a and o, it could point toward

someone who is trying to hide something, even if

it’s on an unconscious level and not in an

intentionally deceptive way.

Look to the zone of handwriting for more clues to

what the excessive elaboration with inharmonious

handwriting indicates: in the lower zone (where the

loops of letters such as g and j reside) it’s an

imbalance relating to sexuality, social life, materialism,

and physical energy, among others; in the middle

zone (where letters such as n, m, and o reside) it’s an

imbalance in practicality, daily routine, here-and-

now, ego, consciousness and more; and in the upper

zone (where the t-bar, tops of t’s, and h’s reside) it’s

an imbalance in mental, intellectual, philosophical,

literary interests, the imagination, and more.

When you see a Hollywood star’s signature

that has over-the-top elaboration, if the rest of his

or her script is much more subdued, it’s a sign of


Alternatively, elaboration with positive indicators

is favorable. With harmonious handwriting it can

symbolize charm, healthy imagination, and


Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo