
Heartburn Causes and Treatments

The hurting of heartburn is caused by the acid that assists to digest our foods is not held in the stomach and begins to return or reflux back into the esophagus and will irritate. There is a valve or a lid named the lower esophageal sphincter or commonly called the LES. Its task is to open when we swallow food and drink and then remain closed. The trouble is sometimes the stomach develops too much of the acids or the sphincter relaxes and permits the acid to re-enter into the esophagus and burn.

Over eating induces the frequent heartburn. So slow down and consume less. Acids can be forced up into the esophagus when it is too full and successively make more acids. Over the counter antacids are more often than not helpful and competent. Most of the common over the counter antacids will contain an assortment of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide. While one will induce diarrhea one will constipate and when compounded they counteract each other. While the over the counter gastric antacids may have very hardly any side effects, if taken for an extended period of time, they may be covering a more serious condition.

After eating, lay down for two hours. It is advisable to likewise have the head and chest higher than the feet. Gravitation will assist to do the rest. Try positioning blocks under the head of the bed or positioning a wedge under the head of the mattress, but extra pillows do not tend to work.

Do not consume milk or mint's for heartburn. This could make a bad situation worse. The mints is just one of the diverse foods that will loosen up the lower esophageal sphincter or the LES that is the value used to stop the reflux. Some different foods that relax the sphincter is wine, beer, other alcoholic beverages and tomatoes. The fats, proteins and calcium of the milk can excite the stomach to produce and secrete more acid. While it will help the throat going down, inside the stomach it has a different outcome. Caffeine drinks, such as tea, coffee and sodas might bother an already enlarged esophagus and loosen the sphincter. Chocolate has a twofold effect with the fats and caffeine. White chocolate has as much fat but lesser caffeine.

Avoid tobacco smoke. While it loosens up the sphincter, it also increases acid output. Carbonated drinks can expand the stomach and will give the same results as overindulging. fatty, greasy and fried foods will sit in the stomach more prolonged and create excess acid production. Being over weight, the extra fat will squeeze the stomach. Wearing lose fitting clothes, nothing binding and tight around the waistline. Bending your knees instead of bending the waist can help. Several prescription drugs such as antidepressants and sedatives might aggravate heartburn pain. Learn and talk about with your doctor.

Not all people are effected by the spicy chili peppers or the acidic foods like oranges and lemons, but many people are. It is advised for you to maintain a heartburn diary to help see what does and does not bother you. If problems along with conditions continue more than two months or occurs over two times a calendar week, try checking with you physician. The journal will help the physician to discover a course of action.

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