You go to bed knowing that you will feel better in the morning. You lay your exhausted head on the pillow and try to visualize, but you're just not up to it … maybe in the morning.
You wake up in the morning in tears and feeling that you are alone. How can you possibly expect to feel any grateful thoughts like this? You drag yourself out of bed and completely forget about visualization. You wonder why you keep crying.
You put on a brave front for the kids and pretend to be happy about their day at school. You kiss your husband goodbye and when everyone finally clears out you wonder how you'll make it through the day. There's nothing to be happy about. You are tired, that's all. Tired of life and then you cry some more.
How can you possibly apply the Law of Attraction feeling like this?
This is an all too common scenario. The Law of Attraction takes work … Work on your inner self. It can appear that it is just easier to accept the life you are living than than change you, but the change is worth it. So how do you start when you feel so bad? Take small steps.
Start with affirmations. Listen to what is running through your head over and over again. Maybe it's a chorus of I'm always tired. I want my life to change but I do not know how. If this is running through your head over and over again, you'll want to write down the complete opposite. For example: I have so much energy. My life is changing for the good and I know exactly how to change it. Make the new phrase your mantra. When you hear how tired you are, counteract it with your new affirmation. If you are not up to visualizing right now, just say your affirmation before bed. Start with just one and then continue to make more for all the other negative affirmations you may have.
Slowly but surely you will find you will feel a little better. Then you can take the next step and find what you really want in life. Then start working on visualizations.
You will soon leave the space you are in … if you want to. This is important: If you WANT to. You have to want to change your life for the better, but it's worth it with the Law of Attraction because it's guaranteed. Trust that the Universe will bring you the desire to be happy in your life. Then each day will get better and better when applying the Law of Attraction.