
Hemorrhoid Home Remedies – Find Out Top Tips to Remove and Cure Piles

If you're suffering from painful and irritating hemorrhoids, you're not alone. About 4.4% of the population around the globe have the same problem. Hemorrhoids can affect your work, and your life as a result. Most would assume that surgical removal is the only way to deal with the problem, but this is not always the case.

Most people are embarrassed to tell their doctors about their hemorrhoid problems, but delaying may only make things worse. Typically, a doctor would prescribe a rectal examination to detect internal hemorrhoids. Visual observation of protruding veins in the rectum may also indicate external hemorrhoids.

Common symptoms include pain, itching, swelling lumps (external hemorrhoids), and bright-red blood in the stool or toilet paper after a bowel movement. Report any boring to your doctor immediately since it may indicate a more serious underlining condition.

Some hemorrhoids are mild enough to disappear on their own, but there are those that need more intensive treatment. Doctors may prescribe medications to shrink the hemorrhoids.

There are several factors that contribute to hemorrhoid formation. If your work requires you to sit or stand for long periods of time, then your risk for hemorrhoids is high. Take a walk during your coffee break if you sit for most of the workday. If you're someone who stands most of the time during work (such as medical personnel), then have a seat every now and then.

Your diet may also contribute to hemorrhoids. Constipation may be due to dehydration or lack of fiber-rich food. Foods such as bran, cereal, apples, and beans can improve your bowel movement. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day, along with the added fiber, can prevent constipation and normalize bowel movements.

Doctors often suggest warm sitz bath on the anal area to reduce inflammation and promote relaxation. Soaking the affected area in warm water for about 10 minutes can relate pain. Placing ice packs on the rectal area can decrease swelling in external hemorrhoids. Topical creams like petroleum jelly and cortisone creams will decrease irritation. You can moisten the toilet paper after a bowel movement to decrease irritation on the exposed vein.

Other alternative remedies like witch hazel cream, Butchers broom and Horse chestnut can alleviate also irritation and pain caused by hemorrhoids.

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