Here Are Some Quick Tips on How to Reduce Body Fat

Would you like to lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days? What if I told you that you could do it while eating foods you like, having lots of energy and feel satisfied all day long? If you're thinking that this is too good to be true, keep reading this article to find out more.

Many people have jumped into the low carb diet program fad over the years without stopping to analyze how it works and how to take advantage of the incredible potential of high quality protein and monounsaturated fats. The principles of a low to moderate carbohydrates intake are sound. Although our bodies convert our food to glucose, excess carbohydrates are more likely to be stored as fat if we do not burn a sufficient number of calories per day.

Our bodies are great at adaptation, and one of the things it does best is hoard energy to ward off starvation in the future. Glycogen is stored in your liver and muscle cells in case of emergencies. Our storage capacity is limited so when your body reaches that limit the excess carbs are stored in fat cells in your body. Keep in mind that the developed world consumes massive amounts of carbohydrate-based foods each day without having the benefit of burning off that excess energy.

As you get older or if you have a problem with insulin distribution you can gain more weight from extra sugar. You can fall into the vicious cycle in which it takes less food to make you heavier due toactivity caused by lethargy; which is caused by increased carbohydrate intake. As you grow more sedentary, you get fatter; As you grow fatter, you're less likely to increase your activity level.

Keep in mind that the problem is not simply carbohydrates intake but also increased acceptance of larger portion sizes. When your sodas are served in 40 ounce containers and you're constantly asked to supersize at every meal, you will get far more calories than you need each day.

In order to reduce your body's fat level significantly in 30 days you'll need to work on a two-stage diet and exercise program. Each phase will last approximately 2 weeks and are designed to ramp up your metabolism while increasing your fat burning and muscle building hormones. The objective is to get your body to use your stored fat as an efficient form of fuel. As you do that your fat cells shrink without losing additional muscle mass.

As you switch from a carbohydrate energy source diet to a high protein / monounsaturated fat based energy diet, you'll begin to increase your activity level along with your metabolic rate. For the first week you will not need to do any strenuous exercises other than going for a daily walk for 30 minutes. You'll eat six small meals per day of selected foods high in clean protein and monounsaturated fats.

Your second week will be a continuation of the first with increased emphasis on adding muscle definition workouts to increase your muscle mass. The third and fourth weeks will allow small portions of carbohydrates in your diet with an emphasis on high intensity short duration cardiovascular activity.