“I get to play golf for a living,” says Tiger Woods with a toothy grin. “What more could you ask for?”
Tiger Woods is golf’s most dashing young icons, and his success has generated renewed interest in golf and golfing all over the world. Golf continues to shed its stigma as a sport only the rich and the bored play. In fact, today, people of all walks of life are practicing their hooks and slices on over 32,000 golf courses throughout the world. In China, for example, the first golf course opened only in the 1980s, but now there are over 200 courses scattered throughout that country. Golf holidays and vacations are the hottest golf trend, allowing people to see the world while playing their favorite sport. With numerous golf products on the market, selecting a golf gift can be as difficult as choosing the right putter for a difficult golf shot. But with some research and discriminating judgment, you can pick a present that scores a hole in one!
Remember the Golfer
Remember the golfer when you choose your golf gift. If he wears t-shirts and jeans 365 days of the year, do not buy him a golf necktie. If eating chocolate makes his skin break out into a rash, then do not get him a bucket of chocolate golf balls. In picking your present, mull over what the golfer’s hobbies and interests are. You know he likes golf, and talks about it as frequently as he does about his ex-wife. But what other things does he like other than golf? You can consolidate the answers to these questions with the golfer’s vehement love for the sport.
Make a Gift Profile
Who says you can’t keep files on your friends like the FBI does? Compile information about your friends’ preferences, so that every time you need to give golf gifts away, you know the scope of your options. Oh, and be sure to tick off the ones you’ve already given. It wouldn’t do to give the same present year after year.
The Gift Profile should include information about the person himself, such as his age, marital status, place of residence, and profession. It should also include information about his interests, such as how he spends his free time, his favorite or least favorite food and drinks, and his fashion style.
Be Practical
Your golf gift should be practical. This means it should be useful, if not at present, then at some future time. Here are some examples of golf gifts that have very high utilitarian value:
o Golf chip and dip platter/ salsa bowl
o Golf wine rack
o Golf magazine rack
o Golf desk lamp
o Golf towel
o Golf barbecue utensil set
o Golf tote bag
Another option is picking goofy golf gifts. These make highly memorable gifts, and your friend could show it off to visitors at his home:
o The Golf Piggy Bank looks like a pig riding in a golf cart.
o Golf Slippers are slippers that look like shoes.
o Funny Golf T-shirts include the prints “how to throw your golf bag” and “how to break your golf clubs”
o Novelty golf balls, including floating golf balls and exploding golf balls
o The Broken Window Golf Ball which, when placed on glass, gives the appearance of a golf ball shattering a window
Ultimately, whether you choose to give a personal, practical or wacky golf gift, pick one that makes you a winner in the game of gift-giving!