
Housing And Fencing In Alpaca Farming

The housing and fencing of animals in alpaca farming follows certain rules and conventions. Alpaca farming does not demand luxurious holdings as alpaca are very simple animals. Providing shelter for your alpaca can be easy and affordable.


Barns, outbuildings and run-ins are common.

Though they evolved in the mountainous regions of South America and are adapted to unpredictable environments, to get maximum profitability from alpaca it is advisable to adequately house them. Rain, sleet, slush, the blazing sun and the onslaught of wind are uncomfortable atmospheric conditions for even these adaptable creatures. A run-in can be built of three sides with a roof and the rear side facing prevailing winds. This will keep your alpacas comfortable during unfavorable weather conditions. Wood, bamboo and straw are traditionally used for these shelters. More modern run-ins have actually been built from masonry, zinc sheets and canvas tarpaulins with great utility and success. Ensure the floor level is at least 6 inches (15 cm) above the terrain and sloped to minimize dampness.

If you have the funding, go for a traditional barn. Your comfy creatures will thank you. A modest barn on 5 acres (.02 km2), constructed to house 25 alpacas, could cost just $14,000 if resources are used efficiently

Housing and fencing alpaca is a prudent practice in alpaca farming.


Wood or metal pipe corrals, chain link fencing and electric fencing are common.

Fences keep alpaca safe. Being gentle, grazing creatures, they could easily wander into highways or even factory compounds when unattended. Domestic dogs like a nearby neighbor’s pet could actually do a lot of damage to your alpaca stock. Some dogs can go berserk and kill for fun. You could lose ten alpaca in a single such scenario. Chain link fencing is most often recommended due to its strength, flexibility and openness. A 5 foot (1.5 m) high fence with metal posts 5 or 6 feet (1.5 or 1.8 m) apart will be strong. Ensure that fence posts are dug at least 18 inches (.5 m) deep and that properly mixed concrete is poured in and allowed to cure. Some farmers use hollow concrete blocks in a continuous line around the perimeter and fill cavities with concrete. Up to 4 tiers of blocks can be utilized depending on soil type. It is wise to employ the use of steel rebar, preferably 0.5 inches (12 mm) in diameter, in every other block cavity for enhanced structural rigidity of wall base. The chain link mesh is then placed atop this block work.

Mobile metal fences have become popular. They can be moved and gate positions can be changed at will. Hollow metal pipe welded and fabricated into a secure open partition is also frequently used. Traditional wood rail fencing is often too easy to breach. Ensure gates have secure latches. The alpaca should not be able to push their head through the fence as they may strangle themselves. Males and females are usually kept separately. This is mainly to control breeding. Planned reproduction goes a far way in determining fleece quality and the physical well-being of the alpaca. Alpaca farming is more profitable when the security and well-being of the stock is assured.

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