How Can I Treat Phimosis at Home?

The conditions of Phimosis is where there is an inability to retract the foreskin over the glans (head) of the penis. Paraphimosis is the entrapment of a retracted foreskin below the head of the penis.

In the majority of cases the tight foreskins which cause these two conditions may be loosened sufficiently after a few weeks of persistent stretching. Eventually this stretching process will encourage the growth of new skin cells, which will permit normal retraction.

Listed below are described two techniques for stretching a tight foreskin:

1. Ridged band stretch

Insert the ends of two fingers at the inner sides of the foreskin opening and start to pull them gently apart. Gently apply just as much tension in order for the stretch to feel mildly uncomfortable but not painful. Hold on this position for 30 to 60 seconds, then relax for several seconds before repeating. Keep this up (no pun intended) for as much as 15 minutes and do it two times a day. Ideally this should be done after soaking in a warm bath.

After being performed persistently this exercise will also help to avoid Paraphimosis which is where the retracted foreskin gets trapped below the glans of your penis which may be both painful and distressing.

In such a circumstance try to ease the foreskin forward but if after several attempts you don’t manage to bring the foreskin back over the glans then seek medical help.

2. The pull back stretch

If the foreskin is particularly tight and inserting two fingers in the opening just isn’t yet feasible then the easiest first approach will be to simply withdraw on the skin at the shaft of the penis so your foreskin opening feels tight and stretched over the glans but again pain free. Hold the stretched position for two minutes and after that relax. Again repeat this process during a period of 15 minutes a couple of times a day. Using this method is more effective and easier if performed with an erection.

Following persistent stretching over a few weeks the opening will get bigger and arrive to the point where it could almost fit over the rim of your penis glans when erect. At this stage make sure to avoid trapping the foreskin behind the glans (Paraphimosis) when it becomes loose enough to happen but tight enough to be hard to bring forward again. Instead proceed to the 1st ridge band exercise described above.

In both of the above approaches should the foreskin opening become sore or small splits develop you must stop and let things heal. You may notice that as you progressively expose more of the glans (the head) of the penis that it is super sensitive as well as painful to touch. Gradually this over sensitivity will subside as you continue your exercises. Try gently exposing the glans to the flowing water of a tap or even the spray of the shower to reduce sensitivity. Should you continue slowly with this process it is highly likely you will notice results after a few weeks, stop too quickly however and most likely things will just firm up again. Depending on the relative tightness of your foreskin the process may take an additional few weeks.

You can actually ask your physician to prescribe Betamethasone 1% ointment. A small quantity of this ointment can be applied to the tight section of the foreskin. It can accelerate the stretching process but won’t do anything alone, without stretching. Stretching will still work without having the ointment, just less quickly. After stretching be always sure to pull your foreskin back over the glans.