How Do I Flatten My Tummy?

A flat belly gives you a sense of freedom. You do not have to cover up, wear big shirts or elastic-waist pants to disguise it- you're free to wear belts, tuck in your blouse / wear cute form-fitting tops, maybe even sport a bikini again. You have more energy and confidence and less back pain in breathlessness, and you do not have any of those embarrassing roller rolls when you sit down. Most importantly, a flat belly signs that you have minimized the very serious health risks that are associated with extra abdominal fat. When you lose belly fat, you reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other life-threatening conditions.

Many people think that there are only two types of fat-the fat stored in your thighs and hips (creating a "pear" shape) and the fat stored in your tummy (creating a "apple" shape). In reality, the body contains many different types of fat, and not all of these types of fat affect your health equally.

First type of fat is Subcutaneous: This pinchable fat lies just benefit the skin. It's the fat you can see when someone's tummy sways and jiggles. This type of fat does not tend to affect health as other types of abdominal fat.

Another type of fat is Visceral: This deep fat packed around the internal organs is not very noticeable. In fact, many reliably slender people have dangerous depths of visceral fat-and do not know it. Visceral fat surrounds your liver. Due to its location, it more easily breaks down and releases fatty acids into the bloodstreams- where they can clog your arteries. In fact, research shows that this fat breaks down four to five times faster than fat in other parts of the body and abdomen.

There is one more type of the fat-Liver fat: Your liver stores fat and sugar for later use. As a result, when you are overweight, the cells inside your liver can start to fill up with fat, creating a "fatty liver." If your fatty liver is caused by obesity-and not by alcoholism- it usually does not lead to liver disease and usually can be reversed with weight loss. You need to lose only a small amount of abdominal fat to boost your health in big way. Just a 5 to 10 percent reduction in tummy fat can substantively reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

There are few strategies for trimming tummy fat and having a nice six pack.

1. Reduce negative stress. (Tummy fat is more sensitive to the stress hormone cortisol than other types of fat in your body.)
2. Get more sleep.
3. Stop smoking.
4. Keep control of alcohol.
5. Have your exercise plan.
6. Diet.