
How Should Leaders PLAN?

After more than four decades of involvement, in nearly every aspect of leadership, from identifying, qualifying, training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, I have come to believe, strongly, the single, most important aspect, of effectively, leading others, is the willingness, and ability, to effectively PLAN. Quality planning requires a combination of true commitment, effectively being trained, and using what one learns properly, and identifying, and focusing on the goals, perceptions, needs, and priorities, of one’s organization, and stakeholders. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, identify, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some of the key components, and considerations, and why it matters.

1. Planning; perceptions; priorities; purpose; presentations: It’s simplistic to state, leadership planning, is important and essential, without discussing what it means, and some of the essentials. A true leaders, considers numerous factors and variables, and creates a relevant, sustainable, set of priorities, based on the best purposes, and addressing both, facts, and perceptions! A great leader focuses on the purposes, to be served and represented, articulating their presentations, in a realistic, focused, relevant, and sustainable manner!

2. Listen; learn; leadership; lessons: One can’t become the best – possible, leader, unless/ until he learns essential, important lessons, from every conversation, and experience. It’s important to listen, far more than one speaks, and learn, in a focused, service – oriented, manner!

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate: While certain aspects of leading, can be taught, and/ or trained, and/ or learned, until/ unless, one possesses and proceeds, with a positive, can – do, attitude, he won’t become the finest leader! When a quality attitude, is combined, with a professionally, thoroughly trained, skill – set, and aptitude, he becomes more capable of paying keen attention, to the priorities, perceptions, and needs/ goals, of, both the particular organization, he serves, and the constituents, he represents. This must be combined with, the willingness and ability to clearly, honestly, articulate an inspiring, motivating message, and call – to – action!

4. Needs; nuances; niceties; nerve: It’s normal to be nervous, but a true leader transforms it, to proceeding, with the nerve, to serve, based on needs, relevance, and sustainability, rather than any personal/ political agenda, and self – interest! Each group has some unique characteristics, and quality leaders, proceed, with a set of nuances, combined with using the niceties, to serve effectively!

Before you seek to become a leader, it’s important to learn, to PLAN, in a priorities- based, relevant, sustainable, quality manner! Are you up to the task of being a true leader?

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