
How to Assemble Rubbermaid Sheds

Thinking about buying a Rubbermaid shed? I will tell you just what I did to get my outdoor shed up and functional. Oh the instructions may look like a piece of cake but if I knew what I’m about to tell you it would have saved me so much time. I hope this helps you with the assembly of your outdoor Rubbermaid Shed.

First off, why did I decide to get one of the Rubbermaid sheds? Well let’s just say my work space was getting a little over crowded. I love to buy stuff, and I was running out of space to put it in. So after a lot of research I found that for me the Rubbermaid shed would do the trick.

My very first tip is make sure you have at least one other person helping out on this project. Don’t do what I did, get help don’t try to take it on yourself. My back still hurts just thinking about it. So get a friend or two to give you a hand on this one.

You do need to know your way around tools. If this is your first attempt at a do it yourself project then you might want to start with something smaller. The instructions tell you to use a stepladder, so do yourself a favor get a 6 ft ladder. It will make things so much easier. Remember my back, yea that is one thing that really made it hurt.

Make sure you put your shed on level ground. It is the first thing the instructions tell you and the first thing I didn’t do. Mistake number one, without level ground nothing lines up right and makes things so much harder. After about 2 hours of fighting with my new Rubbermaid shed I went back and read the directions again and took the time to make some level ground. Dig out the area about 3-4 inches down and put down some gravel rocks. This will allow any water to drain.

The directions say that Rubbermaid sheds can be assembled in 60 minutes. Well I’m not so sure about that. But with the right amount of help and right tools it can be done in less than 4 hours for sure. I’m going to say thing again “read the directions”. They are step by step and give you the proper way to assemble. My first attempt I didn’t even get all the parts out of the box before I started. Now with a bad back and some cut up hands I type this out to help the next person trying to assemble one of these outdoor sheds.

Now if you didn’t listen to anything I said in this report about getting some help, make sure you do when you try to put on the roof. Even with my friends help this was a bit of a pain. One person would have a very hard time trying to install the roof by themselves. Also, try to pick a day when it’s not too windy. Wind is not your friend.

All in all the Rubbermaid sheds are durable and have a vinyl siding look to them. Plenty of space inside for your tools. If you’re thinking about purchasing an outdoor shed then the Rubbermaid storage shed is a great choice. Just make sure you follow the instructions and get a few friends over to help out. It will save you time and money in the long run.

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