
How to Avoid Dry Socket After Extraction

Dry socket after tooth extraction is very painful. This complication occurs when the blood clot that formed after tooth removal becomes dislodged from the extraction site. The blood clot will later turn into gum tissue and bone. If the blood clot is prematurely disrupted, the bone that supports the teeth is left uncoovered or out in the open. This is sooner to infection plus it becomes very painful. You can easily tell that you have a dry socket if the bone is very visible, it's painful, and you may notice a foul odor. These are the common signs and symptoms.

Dry Socket Prevention Tips

Before you even suffer from this complication, why do not you prevent it? Here is a list of the tips to avoid it.

• Observe a good oral hygiene before and during the healing period.
• Routine dental checkup for cleaning and x-ray. This will help so problems will be treated when they are small.
• For women, the best time to have tooth extraction is during the last week of menstrual cycles because estrogen levels are lowest.
• Rinse with warm saltwater a day after tooth extraction.
• Do not drink alcohol 4 days before your appointment or schedule for extraction. Drinking alcohol changes bleeding patterns after the extraction.
• As much as possible soft food should be taken a day after the extraction. Avoid hard food items. Chew on the opposite side carefully.
• Do not drink using a straw.
• Do not smoke days before the extraction and even during the healing period.

It's always best to prevent a thing from happening than treating or curing it.

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