
How to Clean the Blades on Your Oster Clippers Properly

The steps involved in cleaning the blades of your Oster clippers are not really that difficult to master, when you consider them carefully. The point is that you have a quality and professional product that demands regular cleaning and oiling to retain proper cutting efficiency. The design of the Oster clipper may involve both attached and detachable blade assemblies so cleaning them become much easier.

Here are a few basic steps to clean your clipper blades so they will remain in top working condition so they cut rapidly and effectively for smooth and precise trims:

Step #1
You should lay out some type of rag or clean towel on a flat work surface. Then you’ll place the Oster clippers down on the towel so any dirt or hair is caught as you begin to clean it.

Step #2
Next, remove the blade assembly from your Oster clippers. Now, you can tell whether you have an attached or a detachable model by certain parts of the casing. For detachable Oster clipper blades, you would see a small black latch that right below where the blade assembly is located. If you want it off, then press up from the ledge on the back into the latch until it clicks. You will be able to remove the blade. Now, the attached assembly will be recognizable by the absence of this latch and the presence of two screws. Just remove them and pull out the stationary and movable blades from the clipper.

Step #3
You are ready to clean the clipper blades. Depending on what type of blade assembly you have, the cleaning process will be slightly different. Basically, the detachable assembly lets you slide the blades out in order to clean the surface on each side. The attached assembly requires you to completely removing the blades from the clipper casing before clean each individual piece.

Step #4
Once the Oster clipper blades have been thoroughly cleaned with a piece of microfiber cloth, you are ready to oil the blade assembly. For detached types, you will slide the blade to the left or right and then oil the rails. This process is repeated in the opposite direction. Attached blade assemblies are a different matter. With them, you would replace the blades on the clippers and reinsert the screws. After that, you would add two drops of oil to the blade teeth and to each corner of the assembly. Finally, turn the clipper on for about a minute to distribute the oil evenly on the blades.

Step #5
The last step involves the removal of excess oil from your Oster hair clippers. You can use either a towel or a lint-free microfiber cloth to finish the job. If you follow the previous steps, you should have no trouble keeping your Oster clippers operating in fine form, delivering a quality hair cut every time.

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