Here’s how you can perform a Free License Plate Search
If for some reason, you want to locate the owner of a vehicle, then you can use a Free License Plate Search> to get this accomplished. Pursuant to the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994, you need to a legitimate and valid reason for getting this information. One valid reason may be that if the driver of a vehicle strikes your car and doesn’t stop but, you have their plate number you can perform a free search to obtain this information.
Another valid reason might be that you see someone driving erratically and they are swerving all over the road, you can jot down their license number and do a lookup to find the owner of the vehicle.
Be careful when searching for a site that offers a free license plate search. Most sites that offer this information charge anywhere from $60 to $150 just for the records of that one individual.
A private investigator can search for this information on your behalf but, they also charge upwards of $75 to pull driving records of someone.
The best way to get the owner of a vehicle’s identity is to pay around $35 per year and join a membership site that will allow you to search their database an unlimited amount of times for anyone you want to investigate.
In addition to dmv records you can also search backround records, criminal records, court records, marriage records, divorce records, asset records, liens, judgements, sex offenders, birth records and so much more.
By getting their dmv records, you’ll have their name, address, phone number, work place and much more information about that person.
A legitimate membership site is your best option for getting someone’s information from a license plate number. By searching their database you can find the identity of someone for free.