
How to Identify Asbestos Containing Materials in the Workplace

The dangers of asbestos are highly publicised but it is important to understand that the majority of cases on industrial and commercial premises are harmless if left undisturbed. Saying that, it always helps to be asbestos aware and knowing how to identify asbestos containing materials (also known as ACMs) in the workplace means that you become one step closer to resolving any concerns you have positively!

ACMs are commonly found in industrial roofs built in the late 20th century, and identifying asbestos is certainly not easy! An industrial roofing contractor will be able to guide you in locating and identifying asbestos containing materials in your workplace and put your mind at ease, giving you the information to spot any signs of asbestos so you can deal with it effectively with roof repair or replacement.

Know Where to Look

Asbestos can be found in a variety of places, including lagging, insulation, cavity walls and floor tiles, as well as in the sprayed and textured coatings used to decorate ceilings, walls and beams. The asbestos we deal with is white asbestos (the official name of this is ‘Chrysotile Asbestos’) and this is found in cement, which was originally mixed with asbestos pre-1950s. This cement was used to bind and make the corrugated sheets found on garage, shed and industrial roofs.

Visually Assessing for Asbestos

It is recommended that you recruit an asbestos specialist to identify and test for ACMs using a survey, which can be organised by ourselves on your behalf. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), who train and license asbestos professionals, also provide a handy photo gallery so you can spot the signs for yourself. This gallery details some of the common places the material can be found so you can act appropriately.

Taking Samples

Testing for asbestos material should certainly be left to the professionals. A UKAS accredited asbestos company can assist with sample analysis.

What Next?

If asbestos has been identified in your industrial roof, then it’s vital that you enlist the help of a qualified industrial roofing contractor who can assist with a range of solutions including asbestos roof repairs and asbestos roof replacements using the latest techniques in accordance with health and safety measures in order to successfully and safely seal harmful fibres and restore your roof and wider building to its former glory. Speak to several local contractors and always make sure that you work with a licensed asbestos removal company – those who operate within the parameters of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

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