The simple way to increase your penis size can be achieved when you make use of a penis pump. The vacuum created by a penis pump can make the size of your penis to increase in diameter, length and girth as the case may be. The head of the penis will also become a bit bigger and the texture of your penis will be harder.
The way this method can be actualized is simple and I will describe it in an easy to understand manner for you so you can get the main gist. You will have to first of all buy a penis pump. It will not cost more than $50. An example of a penis pump which is very good for this purpose is the passion pump. When you have purchased it, the next step is to put what I am about to tell you into practice. The penis pump has a mouth-like hole in it. You will need to put your penis into the hole and apply pressure by pumping its trigger so the vacuum created by the passion pump will increase the length of your penis.
After this has been attained, simply take off your penis from the hole and use a cock-ring to retain the gained size. This is good when you want to have sex with your partner and you need a bigger penis size and hard erection. Remember not to leave the cock-ring on your penis for more than 30 minutes. You will be given a free cock-ring when you buy the passion pump. I suggest you should not fall for scams that claim you could increase your penis size using exercises. The penis is not a muscle and exercises can never increase your penis size, regardless of the claims that most are backed by medical doctors.
The second way to increase the diameter of your penis is by taking Vimax. Vimax is a herbal product which is used by men who wish to increase the size of their penis. It contains ingredients mixed together to ensure that your penis size grows bigger when you begin to take it. It is completely harmless and it contains no flavors or artificial ingredients. All it contains are natural herbs extract, so this should give you the confident that it will not harm your health in any manner. A lot of men have benefited from Vimax herbal supplement. You have to see how it works at vimax herbal supplement