Being unable to prolong ejaculation is not a medical condition, to many guys who come quickly during sex think it is and let it take over their life. Half the problem with ejaculating to fast is in the mind.
It can happen to anyone, all it takes is one bad sex session where you come to fast. Your lover might have a little pop at you for it and that's where the seed is planted. Then it's on your mind all the time especially during sex and this leads to your ejaculation being premature.
The problem can seem like the end of the world to you but it is solved very easily. Here are two ways to prolong ejaculation.
1. If your case is really bad then the best way to both prolong ejaculation and regain some lost confidence is to use a delaying spray. These numbing sprays are relatively cheap and do a great job, they work by taking the feeling away from the sensitive tip of your penis which makes sex much longer lasting.
2. Do not let her bend over. Sexual positions play a huge part in how fast you ejaculate, especially if she is on all fours it can be over in seconds. So test a few positions then when you find one where you last longer stick to it until you are confident enough to try out more.
Sexual stamina is mainly in the mind and if you control this, then you prolong ejaculation, simple. And it is simple when you find the right delay trick that works for you.