
How To Prepare A Speech Using The Hamburger Sandwich Approach

“Help! I have to give a speech. What do I do?” my business colleague asked me.

Business people are asked frequently to speak in front of a group. New authors

must speak to organizations and businesses so that they can promote their books.

Speaking in front of an audience can be scary if it is new to you. The following four

simple steps will help you plan and prepare your next speech.

The four elements used to prepare your speech are:

  1. The creative idea
  2. The attention getting opening
  3. The purposeful body
  4. The powerful close/conclusion/climax

Now let’s take a deeper look at the four elements and visualize a hamburger

sandwich as we go through the parts.

1. The creative idea. (The planning and preparation of the hamburger.)

2. The opening. (Top hamburger bun.)

3. The body. (The meat of the hamburger.)

4. The powerful close/conclusion/climax. (Bottom bun.)

The next time you have to give a speech remember the “hamburger sandwich

approach.” It is an easy way to remember the parts of your speech. If you follow

the tips here your audience will love you. Do not memorize your speech. Use an

outline or keywords while giving your speech. Speak from the heart. If you miss

something the audience will not know it-just keep on going. Always remember to

end your speech on time or earlier-they will love you and REMEMBER you for it.

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