
How To Remove Common Stains From Bluestone Pavers

Even though the dense and hard characteristics of bluestone make it a very popular choice for interior and exterior paving projects alike, it is a stone that is prone to developing stains over time. This can have a very detrimental effect on the appearance of your stone, especially if the stains are left for long periods of time to fester and further ingrain themselves into the surface of the bluestone pavers. Use this guide to help you remove stains as soon as you see them.


You should always begin by giving your bluestone pavers a good clean – you never know when this simple method is actually going to succeed in removing that pesky stain. Use a neutral cleaner that has been specially made for use on natural stone (even better if it has been designed for bluestone), a special stone soap or a mild liquid detergent (the kind you use to wash the dishes). Add this to a bucket of warm water and use either a mop or a soft cloth to apply the solution to the pavers.

Stain Removal

If simple cleaning was ineffective in removing the stains your bluestone has developed, one of these methods should be able to do the trick.

Regardless of the dense and hard nature of bluestone, it can still be stained if it is not handled or maintained correctly. If you notice that your stone has developed stains as a result of a spill or weathering, try using one of the above techniques to remove it and restore your bluestone to its former glory.

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