
How to Repair Your LCD Monitor

Instead of throwing away your broken LCD monitor, you’ve decided to fix it. What do you have too loose by attempting the repair yourself? It’s already heading for the trash can or the e-waste center. By repairing it you will probably save from $100 to $200 or more!

If you have done any reading at all on the web, you have already discovered that bad capacitors account for a large percentage of all LCD monitor failures.

If your monitor flickers when you start it up, the screen is dim, has strange lines on it, clicks, etc., then you are in the right place!

The repair does not require any special knowledge or skill. About the only tools you will need are a putty knife, a screwdriver, a pair of pliers and a Radio Shack soldering iron. We provide the solder!

Without getting into too much technical jargon, there are two main components inside your monitor, the power board which powers the inverter (lights) and video, and the video board.

The power supply circuit board must be removed before you can replace the capacitors. You must open your monitor and examine the capacitors on the power supply board. Each monitor will have a power supply circuit board. Each monitor model will have a slightly different board. They all look about the same. Some have more capacitors, some have less. Most all LCD monitors have a large 400v capacitor. These rarely go bad, therefore they are NOT included in our repair kits.

We have a video at www.youtube.com/watch that shows you how to disassemble a Viewsonic monitor, and install new capacitors.

We have a tutorial that shows how to completely disassemble a Samsung 204T LCD Monitor. It’s a step by step guide, which also includes a “how to solder” video. Although this tutorial is for a Samsung 204T LCD monitor, the information found here can be applied to almost any monitor. Between the YouTube video on the Viewsonic monitor and the tutorial located at www.fixyourmonitor.com you should have no problem installing new capacitors in your LCD monitor.

Should you have any questions regarding repairing your monitor, feel free to send us an email. Our email address can be found on either our YouTube video or in our tutorial.

Good Luck!

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