How to resolve email errors 0x800CCC0E and Ox800CCC0D
The connection to the server has failed. Account: ‘’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
-The server could not be found. (Account:account name, POPserver:’mail’, Error Number: 0x800ccc0d)
These are two of the most common email errors encountered. In order to fix error number 0X800CCC0E;
Make sure that your e-mail account settings are correct and that port 25 is the port used in the SMTP area – unless specifically told to use another port by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).The most common causes of this error are:
o You are not connected to the Internet or a network
o Incorrect account settings
o Your user profile in Outlook is damaged
o An e-mail item on your POP3 server is damaged
o Incorrect configuration of your Anti-Virus software
o Outlook Express has been removed from the computer or the installation is damaged
o Incorrect configuration of personal firewall software
You can also get error 0X800CCC0E messages when you have anti-virus or firewall software enabled on your pc. Turn the anti-virus or firewall off for a moment and try to send your email again. If it works then the security software is the problem and you will need to contact your ISP for help.
You may get the 0x800CCC0D Error Message
When you attempt to send or receive email, you see one of the following error messages.
– The server could not be found. Account:account name, POPserver:’mail’, Error Number:0x800ccc0D
AS in the first error above, make sure you can get web pages in your browser and have done a reboot of your computer before attempting any other fixes.
This error can be generated if you have a firewall. The firewall may be causing this error.You can test this by disabling your firewall for a moment and trying to send a message. If you can your firewall is obviously the issue. Another way this problem can occur and the most common is that you have enabled the Norton antivirus email feature. Please review the Symantec support article on the Norton website to disable this feature.
Sometimes this error can be generated when your ISP has blocked port 25 for outgoing mail. This is becoming quite common, so you may have to contact your provider for updated account information.
Both of these error messages can occur due to the same issue. This is almost always a connectivity issue. Can you get web pages?
Before doing anything else,
a) First open your browser and make sure you are connected to the internet.
b) Restart your computer.
c) Check your Outlook Express settings, (TOOLS>ACCOUNTS) making sure that the POP3 and SMTP server information is correct, and that your full user name and password are correct. (Tip – watch out for SMTP misspelt as STMP, or addresses with commas rather than full points). Then try to connect again.
If you still cannot send and have followed the above directions and your settings all appear to be correct then you will have no choice but to contact your ISP or email provider or administrator.