How To Take Care Of Your Concrete Countertops

If you have a concrete countertop in your kitchen or bathroom you need to take care of it to make sure you don’t ruin the surface. Concrete countertops are still pretty new, so there isn’t a lot of information out there on how to keep them clean and well taken care of. Here are a few suggestions to keep your countertops looking great and staying durable.

The most important part of your concrete countertop is that it is sealed extremely well from the beginning. This well prevent unwanted leaks onto the actual countertop and provides a barrier between whatever you spill and the countertop itself. If your concrete countertop is sealed it should be as easy to clean as any other countertop surface. Overall the basic rule is to use a PH neutral cleaner and avoid scrubbing pads or extremely strong cleaners that can eat away at the sealer. Here are a few more ideas on how to clean your countertop:

1. Good Old Fashioned Soap & Water

Soap, water, and a little dish soap can go a long way, even on concrete countertops! Soap and water are safe to use on porous and nonporous concrete. If you are looking to remove stains from your countertop you can add 2 tablespoons of dishwashing soap to a medium sized bucket. Just dip in a rag and use the rag to clean off the countertops. This will help clean up spills and normal daily messes.

2. Stain Removers

Stain removers can be used on your countertops as well because the detergent is so mild. It is also safe for porous and non porous concrete. All you have to do is spray the stain remover right on the stain on your countertop, let it sit for a little bit, sprinkle on some powder laundry detergent, and clean it with a wet towel while scrubbing the stain.

3. Waxing

When you wax your concrete countertops it helps avoid stains and keeps them looking fresh and new. Wax acts a sealer and prevent stains from soaking in. This keeps your countertop looking good and protects your investment

Concrete countertops are durable and can last for decades. They will most likely never need to be replaced if they are well taken care of. Make sure you are following these simple rules to take care of your countertop and you will have durable, clean, fresh looking countertops forever.