
How to Treat a Hemorrhoid That Won’t Stop Bleeding

It is a golden rule that you should never ignore bleeding hemorrhoids. Though it is true that bleeding is a perfectly normal symptom of hemorrhoids there may occasionally be a more serious underlying cause — so if there is any doubt at all it is strongly advisable to consult a physician to confirm that this is not the case. Apart from the few cases that require more serious medical attention, creams and ointment solutions often provide symptom relief as well as reduction in swelling. Treating hemorrhoids as quickly as possible this way can also help to prevent a more serious condition developing.

Hydrocortisone creams are available on a non-prescription basis for the self-treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids. These help by reducing the swelling and discomfort of the condition. This type of cream is powerful and so it is vital that it is used carefully in accordance with the directions on the packaging (or as otherwise given by a doctor.) Also be aware that a hemorrhoids response to these creams normally requires a certain amount of time to allow things to return to normal and so you should not expect instant results.

There are also many natural treatment methods such as ointments containing herbs and vitamins available. These may also reduce discomfort and hemorrhoids size though success may not be so certain as their action is likely to be milder — some people may still prefer this kind of approach though. In addition to this simple changes to your diet, such as increasing fruit and vegetable eaten, may help by reducing straining when passing a motion. This straining is a major reason that hemorrhoids become worse. For this reason increased hydration is also important.

It goes almost without saying that scrupulous care of the infected area is also essential. The area must remain as clean as possible which can be achieved very simply with warm water. On the other hand, while you do this, do not rub the area too vigorously as this may lead to further irritation.

Surgery may be required in the case of severe bleeding which does not reduced by other methods. Laser surgery is a highly successful up-to-date method and involves the use of a laser light beam which can remove most of the hemorrhoids while not affecting the surrounding area. So called rubber band ligation removes hemorrhoids by cutting off their blood supply, eventually causing them to die and fall off. These procedures are quick and minimize discomfort and pain, though they may not always provide a permanent solution as some of the tissue forming the hemorrhoids may remain. These procedures are normally performed as an outpatient allowing you to return home the same day.

The most severe of cases your physician may advise a called hemorrhoidectomy to remove the hemorrhoids altogether. When this surgical removal is done it may require stitches and can require a longer and more uncomfortable period of recovery — typically with a couple of days in hospital and a week or two to recover.

The best strategy with hemorrhoids is to take action early on. Make the lifestyle changes described, apply appropriate medication and visit your physician if you have any doubts at all. Taking action now may well save far more complex and expensive treatment in the future.

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