Constipation is a common ailment of the digestive system and afflicts both young and old. It is usually caused by insufficient fiber in the diet, although other factors may also contribute to this condition. Before it reaches the chronic stage and endangers your health, you should find out how to treat constipation.
A person who suffers from constipation finds it difficult to move his bowels regularly. Because food moves too slowly in his digestive tract, his feces may become hard and dry as the colon absorbs the water. This makes the process of defecation painful and could lead to bowel obstruction and indigestion. If the bowels are not evacuated, toxins can accumulate in the body and cause diseases such as rheumatism, appendicitis, cataract and cancer. Chronic constipation can also cause loss of appetite.
Lack of a healthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle are the major causes of constipation. Most people who are not regular in their bowel movement lack physical exercise and high-fiber food in their diet. Their fluid intake may not be enough, and they may have erratic eating habits or hold back their stools. Travel, medication, aging and pregnancy may also contribute to constipation.
The following tips will show you how to treat constipation:
Increase Fluid Intake
A healthy individual needs to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you are physically active, you may need more water. Water facilitates biological functions in the body, regulates body temperature, and removes body wastes. Drinking lots of water can tie constipation. You can also include fruit juices in your diet.
Regular Exercise
Sedentary persons are sentenced to constipation. Physical activity stimulates the circulatory and digestive system. It helps in the elimination of wastes. Yoga and breathing exercises can be used to treat constipation. Walking also brings relief if your bowel movements are not regular.
Fiber-Rich Diet
Junk foods and highly processed foods are primary causes of constipation. For a healthy digestive system, your diet must include foods that are rich in dietary fiber. This includes green leafy vegetables, apples, papaya, pineapple, oranges, oats, beans, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc. Reduce your intake of meat and white bread. Fiber adds bulk to your feces, making it easier to expel.
Monitor Your Medication
Some types of medicine can cause constipation, such as pain relief medicine. Iron supplements also cause stool hardening. Monitoring your medications and reading up on their possible side effects can help you avoid possible irregularities in bowel movement by taking the necessary steps to treat constipation.