
How to Use Good Opening Lines to Break the Ice!

It is a universal truth and a widely-accepted fact that men cannot communicate well. Without generalizing it, this applies to many men. Let alone a full-fledged conversation, some men struggle through good pick lines! Nothing floors women than a man who knows what he wants and knows how to get it. The confidence and the resonance with which a man breaks the ice is very, very important in making a good first impression.

A tip to using good opening lines is not to consult the playboy in your group or you may as well forget about getting the cute girl in the little black dress. Women, as we know, like to communicate or in less glamorous words, they love to talk! Any man who can make them feel that he has zero issues expressing himself gets them going! Breaking a manly stereotype is just as much a turn on as is being macho.

Although these days, the conventional man-pursues-woman does not always apply, it still works like a charm. So what if women have taken the initiative to drop a few good opening lines, which does not mean you stop there. Be a man, get your woman! And please, stay away from trash-talk. If you are a self-discovered stand up comedian, you may want to practice with your friends to get their opinion. Or you will probably end up looking like a fool trying to get the girl to laugh at your joke – she’ll be laughing at you! If you want to break the ice with her by making her laugh, try these good opening lines recommended by those on the prowl:

  • “Hi, do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?”
  • “Hi. Darn! You must be the cause of global warming!”
  • “How much does a polar bear weigh? (I don’t know, how much?) Just enough to break the ice. Hi I am…”

These pickup lines are VERY cheesy and are meant to be funny. The difference between the guy who uses these with success and the guy that crashes and burns with these same lines is PLAYFUL CONFIDENCE. If you can laugh at yourself, and laugh at a situation, it will instantly place a girl’s mind at ease allowing you to begin to build rapport. By contrast, if you say these particular opening lines with a total seriousness, its very likely that she’ll think you’re A) the lamest person in the world… or B) a psychopath.

The best way to learn how to improve your approach is with good guidance and lots of practice so I strongly recommend that you visit my website.

Remember those advertisements wherein women ask for a “someone who can make me laugh”. See! Laughing leads to flirting, flirting leads to talking, and that leads to exchange of phone numbers. But don’t sweat if you didn’t get her number because if you made her laugh she will remember you. It is a positive feeling and who does not like to laugh. There is always a good chance that the next time you see this girl, she will come to you!

You can also deliver good opening lines by being simple and straightforward. If you are not too sure about how the girl will respond to your sense of humor, play safe:

  • “Hi. Is this seat taken? (No) Glad I took this seat! I’m…”
  • “Hi. I see you have the same drink as mine. That gives us something to talk about over dinner, say Friday at 8?”
  • “Hi. Wow! In a long, long time someone has actually made me stop and look at them again”

Remember, by using good opening lines you are not trying to take the woman home, you are trying to make a good first impression and trying to come across as an interesting person who the girls will be talking about for days after having met you.

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