If you already play poker on Full Tilt Poker (or even if you don’t) you should consider trying the hyper-turbo knockouts that Full Tilt offers. Taking place throughout the day and for various buy in amounts, these tournaments are a way to make some quick money and are a lot of fun besides.
The hyper-turbo is a very fast structure. You start with only 300 chips and the blinds go up quickly, usually every 3-5 minutes at most. This means you have to get your money in quickly and try to double and triple up as soon as you possibly can. At that point, you just look for small stacks to pick on and add to your “knockout” bonuses.
For example, last night I played a $14+$1 PL Omaha game where $3 went to each knockout. By the time the tournament was over I had 12 knockouts and finished at the final table as well to collect a nice little payday for less than an hours worth of poker. There were only about 300 enteries in this tournament, but depending upon the time of day it is being played, you will find several thousands at times. This really gives you a chance for a lot of knockouts.
As far as I know,Full Tilt is the only site to offer these tournaments, so you won’t find them anywhere else. There is a ton of action because of the structure so the game moves very fast. Sometimes you are forced to get in with less than perfect hands, but that just adds to the super fast pace of the game. There is money to be made because of the knockout bounties and many of the players do not understand how aggressive you truly have to be under this kind of tournament structure.
You will find these games in PL Omaha as well as NL Hold’em and up to $55+$4 or even $100+$9 buy ins, so there is something there for any level player. Try a hyper-turbo sometime on Full Tilt; they are fun and just might add to your poker bankroll in pretty short order.